Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Finals' Question #2
To cover the lectures to miss during my absence, please answer questions #3-5. REFRAIN FROM COPYING AND PASTING TEXTS FROM THE NET. THIS WILL ONLY INCUR VERY VERY VERY LOW SCORES.TOPIC: THE DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (DSS)Question # 3: 1. Describe or define DSS.2. Distinguish DSS from MIS.3. Illustrate (give examples) how DSS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.
1. Decision Support System is a computerized information system that aids business and organizational decision-making activities. It also enables management to interrogate the computer system and predict the effect of potential decisions beforehand.
2. Decision Support System refers to an interactive comouterized system that gathers and presents data from a wide range of sources. It also help people in decision making from a certain data. On the otherhand Management Information System enables to collect, process, store, and dessiminate data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management. Thus, the system is not intended fro decision making which obviously shows a great difference between Decision Supprt System.
3. With the newest innovation brought by DSS to the company it will develop the efficiency of the employees and much works will be done to the alloted working hours. It will increase organizational control, generates new evidence in a support of a decision and creates a competitive advantagte over competition.
It will have an overall control of the organization through its data being presented which includes compiling all useful information needed by the company.

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